

1564 Uppsatser om Primary immune - mediated hemolytic anemia - Sida 1 av 105

Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund : en retrospektiv studie

Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) is an immune-mediated destruction of erythrocytes and is one of the most common haematological diseases diagnosed in dogs. The haemolysis is a type II immunoreaction and is initiated by IgG or IgM antibodies or complements. This retrospective study includes 63 dogs suffering from primary IMHA. The study was based on information from records from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in Uppsala and from the Animal Hospital in Strömsholm. The aim of the study was to evaluate the progress of the disease, treatment and the prognostic factors in different breeds, gender and age. Following criteria were used for the dogs to be allowed in the study: the dogs were diagnosed with anaemia, the anaemia was regenerative and autoagglutination and/or spherocytes were seen in the blood. About 50 % of the dogs in the study were diagnosed with IMHA within 2-6 years of age. Wire-haired dachshund was remarkably one of the most common breeds in this study together with Cocker and Springer spaniel.

Evaluation of a method for determinationof glutathionereductase activity inerythrocytes

Glutathione (GSH) is a molecule that consists of three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. GSH has several important functions: to protect cells from free radicals, reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. GSH exists in a reduced form, GSH, and in an oxidized dimeric form, glutationdisulfid, GSSG. The enzymes glutathionereductase (GR) catalyses the reduction of GSSG back to GSH. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) is required as a coenzyme in the reaction.

Kraftig anemi hos tax :

The Clinical Pathology Laboratory at SLU in Uppsala has analysed several blood samples from Dachshunds with severe anemia. As there are no previous studies on this topic, a study was performed to evaluate if Dachshunds are more prone to severe anemia compared with other breeds. In addition, a retrospective case study on Dachshunds with severe anemia was done to search for common risk factors or diseases. Hemoglobin values in samples from 1272 Dachshunds and 2269 German Shepherds analyzed from September 1994 to October 2007 were used to compare the frequency of severe anemia in Dachshund and German shepherd. The samples were identified by laboratory information system.

Primär immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund- patogenes, patologi och predisponerande faktorer

Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi (IMHA) delas i litteraturen upp i en primär och ensekundär form. I denna litteraturstudie kommer fokus att ligga på den primära formen, vilkenär den enda som kan klassas som sant autoimmun, då andra möjliga orsaker till uppkomstenav sjukdomen har uteslutits. Den sekundära formen däremot kan uppstå till följd av flera olikafaktorer såsom infektiösa sjukdomar, andra immunologiska sjukdomar (exempelvis systemisklupus erythematosus), neoplasier, vaccinationer eller mediciner. I båda fallen riktasantikroppar, och ibland även komplementfaktorer, mot cirkulerande erytrocyter varvid enökad nedbrytning av dessa ger upphov till en hemolytisk anemi.Flera olika teorier finns rörande predisponerande faktorer för den primära formen, såsom ras,kön, årstid, ålder samt föregående vaccination. De patologiska fynden varierar beroende påsjukdomens duration, men de mest typiska är ikterus, hepatosplenomegali, färgförändringar injurar och urin, ödematösa lungor och infarkter i desamma samt ökad erytropoes i benmärgen.Sjukdomen är mångfacetterad och mer forskning behövs, bland annat för att fastställa varförvissa individer tycks vara predisponerade, samt för att förbättra behandlingsregimen dåsjukdomen har en hög mortalitet, även vid snabbt insatt behandling..

Tollarsjuka hos Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever : en sjukdomsbeskrivning

In the dog breed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR) several dogs suffer from joint pain and possibly pain from the muscles. This diffuse disease is called Immune-mediated Non- Erosive Arthritis in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. The disease is most likely of autoimmune nature where the etiology still is unknown. The musculoskeletal symptoms of stiffness and shifting lameness are intermittently seen. Some dogs also have dermatological changes and some dogs suffer from pain when opening their mouth. The study included 20 diseased and 20 healthy NSDTR. The purpose was to describe immune-mediated arthritis in NSDTR based on symptoms, results of analysis and effect of treatment. Among the diseased dogs 65% had serum positive for antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescense (IIF) ANA-test.

IgG mediated suppression of immunological memory

Apart from recognizing and neutralizing threats, antibodies also have the ability to regulate immune responses against their specific antigen. IgG administered together with erythrocytes is well known to induce >99% suppression. This has been used to prevent haemolytic disease in new-borns since the 1960's, but the mechanism behind it is still not completely understood. The effect on the primary response is well established, but its influence on induction of immunological memory is still heavily debated. In this study adoptive cell transfer of splenocytes to irradiated mice was used to survey the effect IgG has on induction of immunological memory without disturbance from the primary IgG response.

Järnberikning av mjöl : exemplifierat med Egypten och Iran

The purpose of this study is to give an overview about iron fortification from the view of technique and health. Example of a technical aspect is different iron compounds which are used for fortification like ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate and elemental iron. In the aspect of health the big question is if iron fortification can improve the health in reducing the prevalence of anemia. The study focuses on flour fortification with iron in Egypt and Iran and involves a literature study with scientific articles. Also information from WHO (World Health Organization), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and FFI (Flour Fortification Initiative) are used.Fortification means an intentionally increasing of the content of micronutrient in foods with the aim to improve the food quality and deliver a nutritional benefit to the consumer.

Evaluation of a selective media for the detection of gram-positive bacteria in leg ulcers and pressure wounds

Hard-to-heal ulcers are resource intensive due to the fact that they are difficult to treat and especially vulnerable to bacterial invasion. The bacterial culture contaminating these wounds often consist of several different bacterial organisms that originate from endogenous sources. Necrotic material in ischemic ulcers provide nutrition which support bacterial reproduction, increasing the risk of infection. Determining causative pathogen in infected ulcers proves to be difficult when culturing swab samples, however Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococci generally act as primary pathogens.    The aim of the study was to investigate if the detection rate increased for S. aureus and hemolytic streptococci when culturing swab samples from ulcers on Columbia CNA; a media selective for gram-positive bacteria.

Sjukdomstillstånd associerade med monocytos hos svenska hundar : en retrospektiv journalstudie

Diseases associated with monocytosis in Swedish dogs - a retrospective study. The purpuse of this retrospective study is to determine which diseases are associated with pronounced monocytosis in Swedish dogs. Records of 153 dogs with monocytosis were evaluated. The most common cause was infectious diseases (49%) of which pyometra was seen in 23% of the cases, cystitis and fever of unknown origin each in 13% and gastroenteritis in 12%. Cortison treatment was the second most common cause with 29%. A sixth of the dogs had non inflammatory diseases such as neoplasia, renal- and heartfailure.

Att fylla tidningarna med kris : En studie av kriskommunikation, nyhetsmedier och deras källor

The purpose of this study is to discover and explain the influences of media coverage of organizational crises on crisis communication, and vice versa. The study also shows how mediated crises develop, and how media framing and news sources affect this development.Carried out as a case study of three Swedish mediated crises, the methods used are quantitative and qualitative content analysis of media content from four Swedish newspapers and four organizations' press releases from the studied crises.Mediated crises develop through their specific pattern regardless of, but not independent from, the organizations' crisis communication. The crisis communication is used as an elite source in media reporting from the crises, but it can not control the mediated crises. However, it influences framing, and the possibilities to influence media reporting are better in the pre-crisis phase and the culmination..

Vaccinationsbiverkningar hos hundar i Sverige

Vaccinology is an ever expanding field. As a member of the veterinary staff it is important to stay up to date with the continuous new scientific data and recommendations that affect the care that our companion animals receive at the veterinary clinic. This paper presents adverse vaccination reactions, their cause, risk factors and suggestions how we can minimize the risk of adverse vaccine events in dogs. Dog owners in Sweden were allowed to answer a questionnaire about adverse events following vaccination. Lethargy, edema and pruritus were among the most frequently seen adverse effects.

Facebook och ansikte mot ansikte-kommunikation : En undersökning bland 100 ungdomar i Karlstads kommun om deras kommunikativa vanor

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Betydelsen av ett fritidsintresse : Fotboll som prevention och identitetsskapande för unga

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

"Fröken säger hur man ska vara". : Om barns empatiutveckling och värdegrundsarbete i förskoleklass.

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Återfall i kriminalitet : Klientens eller samhällets val

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

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